Renowned as one of the world's leading and contemporary arts festivals, the Singapore Arts Festival takes place each year in grand style. It plays an important role in the regions as well as the world's arts scene. The Singapore Arts Festival is organized by the National Arts council and includes music, dance, theatre, arts and visual arts. This unique international festival is famous for their innovative and contemporary art that blends in a distinguished Asian flavor. Usually held during the middle of the year, the Singapore Arts Festival features work of both local and international artists. However, it is estimated that 70% of the work featured are of international artists.
The festival began as merely a national arts festival in 1977. It began with the intention to showcase local arts of diverse communities. Since then, the Singapore Arts Festival has become a prestigious event that has contributed to the development of the nation's cultural and artistic life. The Singapore Arts Festival which has been held for over three decades is today the biggest event in the arts calendar of Singapore. Throughout the years, the festival has progressed significantly to be a source of inspiration for up and coming artists, professionalizing the practice of arts and bringing together different cultures and nationalities.
Each year this exceptional arts festival brings together artists from over 20 different countries. It features over 500 activities and attracts approximately 700,000 art lovers annually. In 2008, the main focus of the Singapore Arts Festival was 'water' and in order to go along with the theme the opening and closing shows were performed on water. This stunning arts festival continues to grow each year and travelers from all across the world can witness creativity at its best by planning their stay at a fine Singapore luxury hotel. For instance, Raffles Hotel, Singapore is a contemporary accommodation that provides all the essential facilities for a pleasant, comfortable and memorable stay.