Dance, music, films, puppet shows, theater - everything that represents Macau as well as different cultures all over the world are represented and enjoyed over a week that include two art exhibitions on a very large scale. The Macau Arts Festival takes place in different venues, each of which has stories to tell, if you listen, including the Cultural Center, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park, Senado Square and the Ruins of St. Paul.
This event, which is the brainchild of the Cultural Institute of Macau SAR Government, includes everything you can think of, from Chinese farces like "Who's the Father?" to comedies and puppet shows for children, like "The Little Match Girl".
Cantonese and Kun operas are part of the rich culture of Macau that the festival celebrates, so you can live the experience. Now, with technology, there are facets of art and science that meld to form a new whole. Multimedia shows are an important part of the Macau Arts Festival. 'Amina and Lili' is one of the favorites.
Different kinds of dance and music are part of the Macau Arts Festival. Cultures and art forms from different countries are also integral to the spirit of the festival. Maktoub, a performance by a Gypsy group, is one such example. Operas like 'Flowers in the Moonlight' are always enjoyed by everybody. Ballet is yet another beautiful and graceful form of art that is given due importance by the festival, especially with performances like 'Raise the Red Lantern' and 'Coppelia'. Portuguese Marta Plantier is one of many singers who have graced the festival with their beautiful voices. Folk dances from Mexico and Portugal, fire dancers from America and clowns from Canada all add to the truly international feel of this festival.
Performance arts do not overshadow arts and crafts. After all, arts and crafts are an important part of the Chinese heritage, with all the beautiful and enchanting creations of clay, paper and leaves that have received such acclaim worldwide. During the weekend, these works of art, as well as many paintings, are given their turn in the spotlight with the Arts and Crafts Fair. Traditional Chinese music is also a very big part of the festival, with both orchestra and solo performances. Chinese treasures are never ignored in this festival.
Your hotel in Macau will probably be able to arrange tickets for you to attend this fantastic festival. If you are staying at a luxury hotel Macau offering special packages for the festival, you'll find some great deals.