5 American Music Festivals That Will Change Your Life

The list of US music festivals spans into the thousands, but we've cut it down to our top 5 absolutely must see, life altering musical events.

Here they are for your listening pleasure:

5. Bonnaroo Music Festival

Combine the sounds of rock and roll, jazz, Americana, hip-hop and electronica with some silent disco, a slice of comedy and a splash of beer and you have the makings of one of America's most loved music festivals; the Bonnaroo Music Festival.

Its setting on a remote 700-acre farm in Manchester, Tennessee, means speakers pumped up so loud, you can't hear yourself think.

Rolling Stone magazine described it as an experience that changed the face of rock and roll; personally, I'd refer to it as a four-day bender of awesome entertainment, endless drinks and a festive, but chillaxed atmosphere! Rock on.

4. New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival

No great list of American music festivals is complete without a mention of this all-American, all-Southern music festival.

Easily home to the richest music heritage in America, New Orleans puts on a show of funky music, unique artistic talent while serving up plenty of down home Southern cooking. Attracting big names including Aretha Franklin and Bob Dylan, this Southern festival is a must if you want to experience "all that jazz!"

3. All Points West Music and Arts Festival

The very best of the music and art worlds come together at the All Points West Music and Arts Festival to create an ear pleasing mash-up of entertainment, excitement and non-stop enjoyment. Combining the African influenced sounds of Vampire Weekend, with the dance beats of The Yeah Yeah Yeah's and the soft crooning of Coldplay, there's guaranteed to be something here to please everyone's musical taste.

2. Summerfest

Plain and simple this is "The World's Largest Music Festival". Spanning 11 days, boasting 11 stages and playing host to over 700 performers, this is the ultimate in "big gigs". Featuring huge headline acts like Dolly Parton, Bon Jovi, Britney Spears and Rod Stewart, you'll be holding your lighter high in celebration for close to two full weeks.

1. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival

Our pick for America's best music festival, Coachella will rock your socks off, blast your eardrums, and amuse your eyes for three scorching hot days of non stop rocking.

Sweat it out while you become acquainted with the likes of Groove Armada, Madonna, Animal Collective and Girl Talk. While you are in this Oasis you will enjoy a Massive Attack of excitement that will make you pull out your Nine Inch Nails in pure ecstasy. Heaven!

- Chrissy

The Effects of Music and Influence on Society

Man is a social being that has has developed the usage of music from a common means of entertainment to a therapeutic tool. Music brings happiness to people, music calms people, and music can correct neurological complications.

Music is defined as an art form whose medium is sound and therefore is commonly known as an art that moves the soul. It is composed of the Pitch, rhythm, dynamics and sonic qualities of timbre and texture, It is commonly used for entertainment, but there is more to it many do not know. The appreciation of music varies from person to person, place to place or culture to culture. Your reaction to music is strongly influenced by what you are used to and your understanding of what is being song. Music can be a means of communication whereby one actually listens to the lyrics and understands what is being said in the song or just a collection of sounds put together to make a rhythm. The sounds produced by early birds can be translated to music.

Music can be used for entertainment. Here people react to it by dancing or singing along side. Music heals the soul or makes people forget of their worries. Music can also be used to remind someone of the past or worries. Here we say music provokes memories good or bad. Particular songs are attributed to particular moments or experiences in someone's life, such that each times they listen to a song, they are reminded of of a particular event. Therefore at different times, music can stimulate excitement, relaxation, festivity, boredom, sexuality, arrogance, anger just to name a few.

Music is now used in hospitals to ease pain especially during labor, or surgery, it is used to put the mentally handicapped in a calmer situation. Two components of music are the rhythm and melody. The strength of the rhythm is enhanced by the instruments types.

Music Festivals in Europe

It's a big continent is Europe, nigh on 50 distinct cultures, loads of languages and customs, but the one one thing that unites is the love of music, which is the best reason to spend some time travelling around the continent enjoying the sights and sounds that the various music festivals of Europe have to offer.

From the northern Roskilde Festival held south of the eponymous town that hosts it the the March Metal Day in the southern country of Greece, many if not all tastes are catered for.

Roskilde is considered one of the "big five", music and arts festivals in Europe, along with Sziget, Glastonbury, Paleo and Rock Werchter. From very humble beginnings in 1971 when two high school students and hooked up with a promoter a legend was born. It has come a long way from its hippy roots and now is a much more mainstream event attracting thousands from Scandinavia and beyond.

The gig is usually held in June and slowly builds over a week to a massive event, set over 80 hectares there is plenty of room for campers and motorhomes to pull up, tune in and turn on.

As the Iron Curtain came down, many new countries have opened up to the listening hoards who now arrive by foot, train or motorhome. Hungary's capital Budapest hosts the Sziget on an island in the middle of the Danube, it's come a long way from the Waltz and is more rock oriented and an event that sees itself as in the "alternative" camp.

There are numerous other Europe-wide events, all of which are easily accessible by road and have ample parking should you wish to drive or take a motorhome, just remember to drive on the right.

Singapore Arts Festival

Renowned as one of the world's leading and contemporary arts festivals, the Singapore Arts Festival takes place each year in grand style. It plays an important role in the regions as well as the world's arts scene. The Singapore Arts Festival is organized by the National Arts council and includes music, dance, theatre, arts and visual arts. This unique international festival is famous for their innovative and contemporary art that blends in a distinguished Asian flavor. Usually held during the middle of the year, the Singapore Arts Festival features work of both local and international artists. However, it is estimated that 70% of the work featured are of international artists.

The festival began as merely a national arts festival in 1977. It began with the intention to showcase local arts of diverse communities. Since then, the Singapore Arts Festival has become a prestigious event that has contributed to the development of the nation's cultural and artistic life. The Singapore Arts Festival which has been held for over three decades is today the biggest event in the arts calendar of Singapore. Throughout the years, the festival has progressed significantly to be a source of inspiration for up and coming artists, professionalizing the practice of arts and bringing together different cultures and nationalities.

Each year this exceptional arts festival brings together artists from over 20 different countries. It features over 500 activities and attracts approximately 700,000 art lovers annually. In 2008, the main focus of the Singapore Arts Festival was 'water' and in order to go along with the theme the opening and closing shows were performed on water. This stunning arts festival continues to grow each year and travelers from all across the world can witness creativity at its best by planning their stay at a fine Singapore luxury hotel. For instance, Raffles Hotel, Singapore is a contemporary accommodation that provides all the essential facilities for a pleasant, comfortable and memorable stay.

Music and Politics

Jerome Camal, French of birth, is assistant to the Washington University of Saint Louis in jazz studies, logic of music and logic of ethnic music. But it is also a saxophonist that is not satisfied with to live of academic searches and he doesn't want that teacher calls him, but he prefers to play in the places, to plunge himself in jam sessions and to teach the practice of the tool.

A stimulating character, that entertains in his home page a section devoted in full to the analysis of the political jazz of the sixties.

The observations of Camal are stimulating, ideologically you direct not, also succeeding at the same time to recover important figures of that season, giving them a correct position (is worth on all the examples of Frank Kofsky and Amiri Baraka, today a little considered, in kind the first one).

Camal quotes them, he criticizes them. I mark that their ideas "strong" on the jazz they maintain intact their charm, to distance of years.

The studies on the jazz, more and more serious and philologically correct, you are receiving spaces ever had before. There are authors that bring forth innovative thesis and different readings from those usual, for instance the wise man Paul's Gilroy Black Atlantic, teacher of Black studies to the university of Yale, that offers a reading that has the breath of the coolness historical-political-geographical.

From the correspondence by e-mail this interview was born, that besides opinions not discounted on Coltrane and Sonny Rollins, it furnishes a list at the end - also it everything anything else other than banal - of music jazz "politics."

Frank Bergoglio: In your pages on the jazz and the movement for the civil rights, or when you speak of the jazz of the so-called one "black nationalism", it is frequent to find the name and the work of Frank Kofsky. Which opinion have you matured of his job after having studied him to fund? Do you think that it introduced too ideology in relationship to the treated matters or that, contrarily, the period both well described in the writings of Kofsky and Amiri Baraka?
Jerome Camal: Kofsky is an interesting character. Indeed ideology envelops its writings in so mighty way to make more its reasonings object objections. An example of this attitude is its interview to Coltrane in which him test, without succeeding us to make to guarantee from Coltrane its political ideas.

Nevertheless, some points of its discourse are faced in interesting way and they gather meaningful aspects: the most effective example is the description of the economic conditions in which you have to work the black musicians. His book Black Nationalism in Music, is probably at the end more profit if read as a primary source, which the ideology that informs a part of the musicians of the Avant Garde reflects.

F.B: Amiri Baraka is more sociologist in the analyses, is Kofsky a researcher anymore "political" of the jazz... I think that its intention was to put its studies the method of Marxist analysis into practice, doesn't it seem you?
J.C.: I Arrange, but I think that we should think to both as about two researchers moved by strong political motivations. And' past a beautiful po' of time from my reading of "Blues People", but, as memory, Baraka seems me it emphasized the African-American culture as the product and the reaction towards the slavery and in equal time as connection to Africa. The matters of Baraka are based on a vision "of class", probably influenced from the Marxism and to lines bordering with the existentialism. For him the forms of jazz and blues that have had more commercial success they have been corrupt from the white mainstream. Reading him does him the idea that he thinks that assimilation is a form of corruption; what the bebop is a reaffirmation of the inheritance of the black roots in music and a taking of distance from the white hegemony that was consolidated during the Swing Era. Many groups and artists of the movement coagulated him around the African-American arts, the reasonings of Baraka they resounded. Of other song the writer of color Ralph Ellison was in strong disagreement with the theses of Baraka and looked at the blues as to a form of celebration of the results reached by the African-American art. In the demonstrations as the blues, where Baraka has the tendency to see the people of color as victims, Ellison underlines the strong sense of representation and affiliation instead of it.

F.B.: Which opinion you are you formed on the course to assign to the job of Coltrane? Before you quoted one famous interview of his, and in that as in others, the timidity of the saxophonist emerges, always of few words, that it brings to reserved answers, humble and at the end ambiguous in comparison to the course of the legacy coltraniano.

J.C.: I Think that the case of Coltrane to treat we need to consider his/her music from two separated visual angles. Primo: which type of political message (if it is one of them) it foresaw Coltrane for his music? According to: which done mean political you has been tied up to his music to back, from the most different listeners? In other words, I believe there is a difference among as Coltrane it conceived and he saw his music and the way in which it has been recepita and interpreted. Premised this, I see a Coltrane that "it uses" his music to communicate a message of integration and universality. I like to show up a parallel among his/her interest for the modal music and particularly for that Indian and the attention of Martin Luther King for the fliosofia of the not-violence brought ahead by Gandhi. In the first days of the struggle for the civil rights of the black population often M.L. King painted a parallel among the struggle for the liberty in the United States and the movement for the independence in Africa. It seems me to be able to affirm that both the men saw their job in universal terms. Nevertheless it doesn't seem me that the music of John Coltrane has been welcomed in this way and some of the most radical parties in the Movement of the civil rights they were rapid in to summon to them the saxophonist as musical spokesman. Same Coltrane to the idea doesn't appear enthusiastic, as it clearly enough shows his interview to Kofsky, where he prefers to deepen his musical explanations with a more general meaning regarding the human condition. As it underlines Craig Werner, Coltrane and Malcolm X they saw both their transformed message and used for justifying the pursuit of more radical objectives inside the Movement, independently from the fact that they wanted you was used and interpreted their job in such way or no.

F.B.: you think there is a connection among the New it damages American and the jazz? And of what type?

J.C.: And' an ample question too much for a rapid answer. I have never reasoned on the connection among New Left and music, even if it seems an interesting matter to develop.

F.B.: you want to make a brief list of political passages that in the history of the jazz you consider fundamental and to give apiece us a brief comment?

J.C.: You my first choice is rather obvious: We insist! Freedom now Suite (Candid 1961). This recording exemplifies for many different aspects as the music you can politically be used. In first place it is an example of artists of color that you use their art to regain the authority and the control on his own history and on his narration storiografica. The Suite of Roach follows the story of the population of color of African descent is in the United States that in Africa, departing from the experience of the slavery, continuing with the declaration of emancipation, to end with the struggle for right peers in America as in Africa. Facing the matter from this point of view is stimulating to observe, as they makes Scott Saul and Ingrid Monson, that the order of the sections of the Suite, separate among them, you has been changed in comparison to the ideas of departure of Roach and Oscar Brown Jr. Originally the suite foresaw the departure with the African section before moving to the experience of the slavery and to pass to the emancipation. to Put the slavery to the beginning serves to strongly take root the African-American history to the experience of the slavery. To depart with Africa would have emphasized the African inheritance of the African-American culture instead. In beaten second the Freedom now Suite represents well also what Gilroy it defines "black atlantic". All Africa melts the American jazz with the Cuban music and the African percussions: it deals with an excellent example of the continuous cultural exchange that is had among African people, people of the Caribbean, wide also in Europe and, naturally, to the United States. From last it needs to remember that the Suite is after all a great moment of music, in which you/they can be seen used advanced techniques of composition. Max Roach uses a 5/4, perhaps an answer to the success of Take Five, but more disposition and brave of that of Brubeck. The tone of the breaths, perfectly in the "fourth" in Driva men is interesting and anticipates the times. The photo of cover that shows some students during a sit-in to a counter of a cafeteria it is provocative and the notes of cover of Nat Hentoff they are also candid and fresh to the actual reading. The second example is surely less known. In fact if you has been written a lot on the Freedom Suite of Sonny Rollins, I would aim the attention at a 1956 recording, The house The live in, performed for the Prestige. It deals with a passage hard enough conventional bop, but it is also a big beautiful example of signifying in music. At the end of the piece Rollins inserts as tail the theme of Lift every voice and sing. That spiritual has become subsequently a kind of non official hymn for the population of color. In the notes of cover of the cd-playpen of the Prestige, container everything how much recorded, he explains that the saxophonist appreciated the social meaning of the text written by Robinson and wanted to strengthen his/her words ending the song with Lift every voice and sing. He perhaps wanted also to answer to the recent recording of that song performed by Frank Sinatra. In every case it is interesting to notice that this is the only song of that session that has not immediately been realized by the Prestige, immediately after the recording. I have not made a lot of searches on this disk, but I think both too often ignored, today. If then we want a complete list of passages we should include at least the Haitian fight song and Fable of Faubus of Mingus and Freedom rider of Art Blakey, John's Coltrane Alabama, the whole apparition of Archie Shepp to the festival jazz of Newport and Appointment in Ghana of Jackie Mclean. There is then Strange Fruit of Billie Holiday, but the list would be very long...

Ontario Festivals and Events - Why Ontario is Canada's Party Province

More than 3,000 Ontario festivals and events keep locals and tourists partying all year. If you're looking for reasons to celebrate, you'll find more than enough to keep you happy here.

Some of the biggest festivals occur during summer, when outdoor events take centre stage.

Summer outdoor music festivals are huge. The biggies include the Toronto Jazz Festival, Festival of the Sound in Parry Sound, the Sound of Music Festival in Burlington, Barrie Jazz and Blues Festival, Sunfest in London, and Festival of Friends in Hamilton. Many of these festivals feature free admission or at least offer free concerts along with the paid ones. So they're very easy on your wallet.

Summer outdoor art festivals are also a big draw in good weather. The free-admission Toronto Outdoor Art show features more than 500 of Canada's and the world's top contemporary artists and artisans and attracts about 100,000 visitors. Stratford also has craft shows along the river, and Barrie has a huge arts and crafts festival called Kempenfest.

Fall is jam-packed with festivals too. Ontario's biggest fruit crop is grapes, and September is grape harvest time. The Niagara Region toasts the new crop with the Niagara Grape and Wine Festival. Kitchener-Waterloo puts on the biggest Oktoberfest party outside of Germany. The Balls Falls Thanksgiving Festival features crafts, food and family fun. Halloween fans can join the "Howlin' Hootenany" at the Black Creek Pioneer Village just north of Toronto for scary fun and fall treats like pumpkin tarts, candied apples and apple cider. Readers and writers will love the free Word on the Street Festival in Toronto where they can meet their favourite authors and hear them read from their works. And then there's the granddaddy of all literary festivals, the International Festival of Authors in Toronto. Wait - don't forget the Toronto International Film Festival! (Are you running out of weekends already?)

Ontario festivals and events don't stop in winter. Ontario residents embrace the chilly season with Ottawa's Winterlude, Toronto's Wintercity and of course the New Year's festivals which include the insane Polar Bear Dip festival in Oakville. The giant glowing animated figures of Niagara Falls' Festival of Lights are guaranteed to make you smile and warm you up on a frosty winter day. Another sure bet is the Niagara Ice Wine Festival in the Niagara region.

Spring festivals are the best of all, because they welcome the return of good weather. Some famous Ontario festivals are the Maple Syrup celebrations that pop up all over Southern Ontario. Bronte Creek in Oakville has a good one with guided tours, syrup and candy sampling, a pancake breakfast and so on. The Ottawa Tulip Festival is about more than just flowers. It features concerts, one-of-a-kind arts and crafts, lectures and more (and the outdoor concerts are free). Want the real scent of spring? Visit the Lilac Festival at Hamilton's Royal Botanical Gardens, and explore the largest, dizzying lilac dell in the world.

If you're a local, Ontario festivals and events are a great way to meet your neighbours. If you're a tourist, why not plan your visit around one of these events?

Explore the Music and Club Lands of Montreal

As Canada's second largest-city and the centre of French speaking North America, Montreal has always warranted a lot of attention from culture vultures eager to find the next-best-thing. And while Montreal boasts its fair share of museums, theatres and renowned dance acts, it's arguably the city's rich, eclectic music and club-scene that draws visitors to the city in their hoards.

Music fans visiting Montreal should make the Place-des-Arts their first stop in the city. The cultural epicentre of classical music and art, as well as the heart of many of Montreal's summer festivals - the Place-des-Arts is a large open-space square in downtown Montreal, surrounded by a complex of different concert halls and theatres - including Montreal's Musee d'art contemporain and the headquarters of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra (MSO). Musical performances, operas and other forms of classical performance from around the world are held at the Place-des-Arts every day, so you'll likely have the opportunity to see the best that Montreal has to offer in classical music during your visit.

In recent years, Montreal has also become the focus of emerging bands in the popular music sphere, with the highly acclaimed alternative outfit Arcade Fire arguably leading the way. Artists like The Dears and Wolf Parade - grown from Montreal's hotbed of musical talent - have received much praise and developed devoted fans across the world. Montreal's dance music scene has also been pumping hard, with the influence of acts like Tiga and A-Trak felt far and wide.

And if you're hoping to go clubbing in Montreal, rest assured you won't be disappointed! The most active neighbourhoods when it comes to Montreal's vibrant nightlife are St-Laurent, Downtown, Plateau Mont-Royal and Quartier Latin. The city is also becoming increasingly known across the globe for its mainstream rave festivals - such as the Black and Blue Festival and Bal en Blanc, held every Easter.

The Bal en Blanc (http://www.balenblanc.com ) - also known as Montreal's White Party - is now in its thirteenth year, with over 15,000 ravers flocking to its festivities annually. Featuring DJs from all over the world, this mega party consists of two separate rooms - one for house music and the other for trance. It attracts both gay and straight clubbers and usually lasts for over 14 hours!

Montreal also hosts the Montreal International Jazz Festival and Montreal Francofolies - a festival of French-speaking musical artists; so whatever your musical tastes, Montreal is sure to cater for you. If you're keen to sample some of the best that the music world has to offer, you'll find frequent flights to Montreal from London offered by a variety of airlines, so there's no excuse not to go. Fly to Montreal on your next holiday - and get the party started!

The Jazz and Art on the Avenue at Delray Beach

Delray Beach is a small, sophisticated town with a rich and interesting history, starting, like many Florida towns and cities, with a well-meaning tycoon who bought up an ugly plot of marsh-land infested with snakes, mosquitoes and alligators. Through a long process, Delray has been transformed into quite an attractive little city, with a large number of things to see and do.

Delray is a fantastic location for leisure, as it offers a wide variety of activities, from a fantastic 2-mile stretch of beach (offering all of the activities that you might associate with beaches), to a quaint downtown full of antique shops and art galleries, to a commendable offering of gourmet restaurants (Kyoto Sushi and Sake is quite good). Without a doubt, one of the best parts of Delray Beach, however, is probably the special events that they seem to be perpetually hosting. My favorite is the Jazz and Art on the Avenue series, which happens about five times a year (there are still two opportunities for 2006 - October 19th and November 30th).

The Jazz and Art on the Avenue events are an amazing mix of interesting art, eclectic music, and the always charming sights and sounds of Delray Beach. There are countless bands (jazz and otherwise - on the 17th of August there were Taiko drummers) that provide a perfect evening of live entertainment for music aficionados. In addition to the music, there is also a "gallery-stroll" - art galleries open up for the duration of the event (6pm-10pm) so that you can peruse their collections. Be sure to stop by the Burton Gallery.
As if this visual and aural feast were not enough, the local businesses around the event center open their doors to provide you with all manner of goods and services - from food to massages to office-supplies - generally at sale prices. This is definitely something I try very hard not to miss.

Hopefully my stirring descriptions pique your curiosity to the point that you visit Delray Beach (whether you visit for the festivals, the shops, the restaurants, or the beach). It is the perfect spot for a special occasion, and pairs perfectly with Millenium Limo. Imagine taking a limo to the jazz and art festival and then wandering around for a few hours taking it all in. You could eat, drink, and be merry with reckless abandon, secure in the knowledge that a professional limo-driver will be taking you home afterwards. In any case - Delray Beach is a great destination for any reason: a romantic outing, a family trip, or just to get away.

Festivals in Morocco

Knowing when to be in Morocco is part of the fun of booking your trip. There are a number of Muslim and national festivals held throughout the year, and when you travel to Morocco, you may want to consider booking your vacation in conjunction with one of these events. In fact, almost every month of the year features at least one festival you can attend. The festivals are based on the lunar calendar rather than the western calendar so you will need to check with the Morocco tourism board before you book your flight if there is a specific festival you want to see.

In January, there are two festivals: New Years Day and Independence Celebration. New Years Day is a western celebration not unlike many held around the world. Independence Celebration is secular and is only one of five held throughout the year.

February is the celebration of Tafraoute and Aid Al Adha. Tafraoute celebrates the end of the winter rains found in the lower elevations of Morocco. The rains are helpful to the crops, but Moroccans also feel a celebration for the upcoming season is necessary. Aid Al Adha or A'd el-Khebir is a commemoration festival of Abraham's sacrifice. This festival is fun to watch, but you will not be able to participate in much of it.

March and April have four celebrations: Beni Mellal, Fatih Mouharam, Ashura, and Aid el Arch. Beni Mellal celebrates the cotton harvest. Fatih Mouharam is the Islamic new year celebration. Ashura is a day of tithing celebrated by certain local groups only. Aid el Arch is a celebration to honor the coronation of King Mohammed VI.

If you visit Morocco in May, expect to find Moulay Bousselham, Berkane, El Kelia des Mgouna, Labor Day, Id el Mouloud, and Ben Aissa Moussem festivals. El Kelia des Mgouna is also known as the Rose Festival and is held to celebrate the new crops. It is one of the most popular celebrations that Westerners enjoy attending.

June is the month of the Music Festival, Independence Day, Goulimine, Tan Tan and Gnaoua Festival. The Music Festival is held in Fez, and hundreds of musicians from around the world come to celebrate music and different musical traditions. It is a sharing of cultures and traditions, and visitors leave with a new understanding of what music is in other parts of the world.

July festivals include Marrakesh Popular Arts Festival, Tetouan, Sefrou Cherry Harvest, Al Hoceima Sea Harvest, and Celebration of the Throne. Marrakesh Popular Arts Festival depicts traditional Moroccan folklore through performances, theater, music and other art forms.

The Asilah Arts Festival, Celebration of the Young, Setti Fatma, Sefrou Moussem, El Jadida, Tiznit, Immouzeer du Kandar, and Immouzer des Ida Outanane festivals are held in August. Many of these festivals are popular celebrations of Moussem.

Chechaouen and Moulay Idriss Zerhoun host their Mouseem Festivals in September. September is also when Imichil is held; this marriage festival is held in the Atlas Mountains. It offers traditional marriage customs and costumes for visitors to enjoy.

September has only one festival called the Date Festival, which is held in Erfoud. November marks Ramadan, Independence Day, Eid al Fitr, and the Harvest Festival of Erfoud. December holds Rafsae and Hajj Day. Not all of these festivals are popular among Western visitors; however, if you are there when one of these festivals is occurring, you will likely encounter music, fireworks, costumes and other traditions. Any religious festivals should not be interrupted, but observed quietly.

In Texas And Elsewhere Music And Sports Are Closely Linked

While music and sport are not generally talked about in the same sentence, there are historic connections between two of modern culture's biggest realms of influence.

Even as modern day basketball stars such as Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant and Alan Iverson record their rap albums in an attempt to formalize a crossover between sport and music, it's hardly a first for mixing the two.

Indeed, as early as the 1930s and 1940s, evidence existed that there was a natural connection. Jump bands, for example, often toured on the same bus as basketball teams, players and musicians fraternizing to the point of attending the other's events.

A look at the rhythm associated with sports like basketball and music provides one similarity between the two, but so does the sense that in both music and sports, there are individuals (soloists) that excel while remaining a part of a larger, cohesive group.

At sporting events such as baseball or hockey games, in cities such as Dallas, Houston and Austin, music is often used to rile up crowds, not only during the game itself but also in pre-game festivities. Some of the songs, such as "Who Let the Dogs Out?" by the Baha Men, first became popular in sports stadiums, the tune eventually being named the number one sports anthem of all time by MTV. The phenomenon was driven by music distributor Pro Sports Marketing delivering the single to minor league baseball stadiums and other sporting arenas. Only later did the song make it to regular airplay by radio stations, a reflection of its popularity as a background song to games.

Music is also used to hold the attention of audiences at sporting events, notable examples being high school football halftimes or the Super Bowl. Other observers point to the idea of musical acts using sports stadiums as a venue for concerts, at least symbolically making the connection to athletic competition.
The connection between sports and music is arguably as strong as ever, especially with major sports events embracing the concept. One example is the band New Order's first number-one hit, "World in Motion," which became the official theme for the finals of the English World Cup.

Some say athletes themselves embrace music to the point where their performance is in large part dependent on the connection.

One way music may aid performance in sport and exercise is in the narrowing of a performer's attention, which could divert attention away from sensations of fatigue. The idea (marathon runners and triathletes refer to it as "dissociation") tends to promote a positive mood state.

Because music is said to alter arousal levels, some believe it can be used, either as a form of stimulant before a competition or as a sedative to calm over-anxious athletes. The connection to rhythm and human movement can also promote increased levels of output among those engaged in sporting activity, the idea being a kind of metronome that could propel an athlete to go faster and harder than might otherwise occur without music being present.

Music is said to inspire superior performance, although personal taste seems to be the order of the day. An example: classical music might not be thought of as a booster to sporting performance, but it might to fans of classical music.

Some scientists say listening to the right kind of music could improve performance in sport by as much as 20%. The difference in personal musical tastes when it comes to working out is underscored by the use of headphones in gyms where the control of the environment can aid performance.

While fans of rock music might want to listen to Tina Turner's "Simply the Best" as they do light exercise, a more vigorous version of "Keep on Running" by the Spencer Davis Group or "Born to Be Wild" by Steppenwolf might be more appropriate.

Companies associated with music, recognizing that technology is impacting the traditional business model, are looking to further integrate music with sport, the idea being to find ways of promoting artists.
There is also evidence of the integration of music in sports through video games, even to the point where bands are taking it to a new level (the Bare Naked Ladies appeared in at least one Electronics Arts Sports games, NHL 2002, two months before the release of the band's "All Their Greatest Hits" album).
As music continues to share an important place in modern day culture, it's also clear that sports is one of those icons as well. Little wonder then that the two continue to be closely linked.

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UK Music Festivals - A Brief Guide to Some of the Most Popular

As the days get longer and the sun gets warmer there is only one thing on the mind of many a UK music lover - music festivals. These days there are so many to choose from it's often difficult to choose which to attend, especially if you can only afford to splash the cash for one event.

Glastonbury is the grand-daddy of all UK such festivals and every year it sells out within just a few hours of the tickets going on sale; often without people knowing the full line-up and sometimes the headliners. It takes place in Somerset during the middle of summer and lasts for five days; for many people it is the most important event of the year.

In the wake of Glastonbury there are a few other large music festivals that are spread over a weekend or slightly more. Here are a few of them.

Reading and Leeds Festival

The Reading and Leeds festival takes place over the August Bank Holiday weekend, starting on Friday and ending Sunday. Typically the bands play each venue over the course of the three days. The kind of music you'll hear ranges from indie, to pop, to rock. The headliners for 2011 are My Chemical Romance, Muse, Pulp and The Strokes.

Download Festival

The Download Festival started life as Monsters of Rock. It takes place at the start of June at the Donington Park motor racing track in Derbyshire. If you're not a rock fan then Download isn't for you. Headliners this year include Def Leppard, System of a Down and Linkin Park.

T in the Park

T in the Park is a large music festival held in Scotland in early July. The type of music you'll find here is similar to that of most music festivals; a nice crossover mix of indie, pop and dance. Something for everyone. Headliners over the many stages for 2011 include Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Blink 182 and Pulp.

V Festival

The last music festival I would like to mention in this list is the V Festival. This, like the Leeds/Reading festival, takes place across two venues, but this time it's over the course of two days. Headliners for 2011 include Eminem, Rihanna, Arctic Monkeys and Plan B.

The music festivals listed here are the "big boys"; tickets for these festivals often sell-out within a few hours of the events going on sale. However, there are music festivals of all shapes and sizes and catering to all tastes happening across the UK during the summer months.

Visit the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival on a Scottish Break

Scotland is a great location for a break, offering rugged natural beauty and rich culture. If you want to experience the latter, consider booking a holiday home in Scotland when the Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival will be under way in May and June.

The occasion lasts for around ten days and includes performances of music, dance, literature, drama, comedy and more. Shows take place throughout the region between May 25th and June 5th, so if you want to catch some make sure you organise your break during this period.

Taking in the arts is a great way of spending quality time with your loved one, but if you're looking to have some fun with friends then Scotland offers plenty of opportunities for booking into group accommodation. Consider hiring a luxury cottage, or even renting a castle in Scotland - splitting the cost between numerous holidaymakers is likely to bring about savings and make a castle getaway more affordable than you might have previously thought.

After settling into your accommodation, decide what you want to see during your getaway. The Scottish Chamber Orchestra's performance at the Castle Douglas Town Hall on May 25th is sure to be an amazing event, while comedy fans should head to the Camphill Community Hall in Beeswing or New Cample Farm in Thornhill to take in Plutot la Vie's routine.

Avid readers can indulge their passion for literature at events being held at the Mill and The Bakehouse in the Gatehouse of Fleet and Moffat Town Hall and Craigieburn Gardens the following day, while theatre fans might want to take in an opera at the Theatre Royal Dumfries.

If children are accompanying you on your jaunt, you'll find many shows are suitable for little ones, including the Flights of Imagination with Peter Pan showcase, which comprises puppetry, storytelling and creative workshops. The Wee Stories Theatre is also putting on some shows that cater for youngsters.

Budding artists and established painters will be displaying their visual works during the month of May as part of the festival, and you can catch exhibitions such as Little and Large by Jane Gibson at Cornerways Art Studio in Kirkcudbright, Painting and Printing: Our Pleasure exhibition by Alex and Kaye Maltman at Castle Douglas Art Gallery and A Hitchhiker's Guide to Galloway by Helen Ryman at Tolbooth Art Centre, as well as many other displays at various venues throughout the region.

Macau Art Festival - Adding Color to Life

Dance, music, films, puppet shows, theater - everything that represents Macau as well as different cultures all over the world are represented and enjoyed over a week that include two art exhibitions on a very large scale. The Macau Arts Festival takes place in different venues, each of which has stories to tell, if you listen, including the Cultural Center, Dr. Sun Yat Sen Municipal Park, Senado Square and the Ruins of St. Paul.

This event, which is the brainchild of the Cultural Institute of Macau SAR Government, includes everything you can think of, from Chinese farces like "Who's the Father?" to comedies and puppet shows for children, like "The Little Match Girl".

Cantonese and Kun operas are part of the rich culture of Macau that the festival celebrates, so you can live the experience. Now, with technology, there are facets of art and science that meld to form a new whole. Multimedia shows are an important part of the Macau Arts Festival. 'Amina and Lili' is one of the favorites.

Different kinds of dance and music are part of the Macau Arts Festival. Cultures and art forms from different countries are also integral to the spirit of the festival. Maktoub, a performance by a Gypsy group, is one such example. Operas like 'Flowers in the Moonlight' are always enjoyed by everybody. Ballet is yet another beautiful and graceful form of art that is given due importance by the festival, especially with performances like 'Raise the Red Lantern' and 'Coppelia'. Portuguese Marta Plantier is one of many singers who have graced the festival with their beautiful voices. Folk dances from Mexico and Portugal, fire dancers from America and clowns from Canada all add to the truly international feel of this festival.

Performance arts do not overshadow arts and crafts. After all, arts and crafts are an important part of the Chinese heritage, with all the beautiful and enchanting creations of clay, paper and leaves that have received such acclaim worldwide. During the weekend, these works of art, as well as many paintings, are given their turn in the spotlight with the Arts and Crafts Fair. Traditional Chinese music is also a very big part of the festival, with both orchestra and solo performances. Chinese treasures are never ignored in this festival.

Your hotel in Macau will probably be able to arrange tickets for you to attend this fantastic festival. If you are staying at a luxury hotel Macau offering special packages for the festival, you'll find some great deals.

Austin - the "Live Music Capital of the World"

Austin, the "Live Music Capital of the World", is a slogan based on the very essence of this city that is supported by residents and local government alike. There are virtually hundreds of venues where locals and visitors can enjoy every type of live music imaginable.

In 1991, blues musician Lillian Standfield approached the City's Music Commission to propose Austin be labeled the "Music Capital of the USA". After extensive research, city officials discovered that Austin had more live music venues per capita than any of the major cities including Nashville, New York City or Las Vegas. It was suggested the city slogan be upgraded to the "Live Music Capital of the Universe", but the council compromised, and on August 29, 1991, the "Live Music Capital of the World" became Austin's official slogan.

Since that day, Austin has more than 'walked its talk'. Not only do they organize a number of regular musical events, they have integrated music into the day to day running of the local government. City officials have also developed various programs to assist up-and-coming musicians with the promotion of their music. Here are just a few of the events and programs supported by this city.


  • Live from the Plaza provides a series of free concerts on the plaza at City Hall.
  • Parks and Recreation provides an extensive calendar of events that have musical performances. They sponsor annual events such as the Trail of Lights (a holiday music venue) and a number of summer concerts.
  • South by Southwest is a major annual film and music festival.
  • The Austin City Limits Music Festival is a three-day music and art festival held in the fall.
  • In the summer, local businesses support a series of free blues shows in Zilker Park


  • Austin Music Memorial at the Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Center for the Performing Arts honors deceased individuals who have contributed to the music community in some way.
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan has a striking life size memorial at Lady Bird Lake.

Local Promotion:

  • Music on Hold is a program where local music is played in the City's telephone hold music system.
  • Austin Music Channel is a local station devoted to showcasing local talent.
  • Austin-Bergstrom International Airport has live music throughout three different venues in the terminal.
  • City council meetings include live music in their weekly sessions.
  • Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau actively promote "Live Music Capital of the World" as a travel destination and also provide assistance in booking local musicians.
  • Texas Music Office - Texas Talent Registry provides a listing of over 1700 bands and their contact information.

Local Government Support:

  • Creative Industries Loan Guarantee Program provides loans to individuals or companies involved in music, film, art and technology.
  • The Austin Music Economic Impact Study describes how music affects the economy and discusses various ideas to promote the music community.
  • Austin Energy is a rebate program that provides energy savings incentives to over 220 of Austin's live music venues.

5 Must See Festivals Around Europe

Festivals are a great way to experience this amazing continent which is rich in history and diverse in culture that has some the best festivals around the world. 

1. Notting Hill Festival 

The Notting Hill Festival which happens on each August bank holiday, it is one of the most spectacular carnivals in the world often been classed second only to the Rio Festival but is Europe's top carnival with its variety of upbeat music, street parties and twenty miles of vibrant colourful costumes it brings the streets of West London.

2. Seville Festival

The Seville Festival is in fact 2 major carnivals that bring the city alive during the month April with the Seville Fair covering around 1.2 million square metres with a week long party of dancing, drinking and entertainment that often go into the early hours of the morning and in some cases there  is plenty of party goers that will often go through the night.

3. Venice Mask Festival

Venice Carnival is one of the most exuberant and exciting Carnivals in Venice and around the world, with its famous masks and lavish parades, the carnival heightens after each and passing day over nearly 2 weeks of partying in the month of March.  

4. Edinburgh Festival

The Edinburgh Festival is on during the summer month of August and is one of the most spectacular music and arts festivals with its top-notch performance ranging from rock to cabaret with its mixture of modern and alternative music as well as dance and drama.

5. Tomato Fight Festival

Tomato Fight Festival is one of the few festivals with really no meaning known as the La Tomatina is held in the region of Valencia, Spain in a small town called Bunol which as a small population of 9000 and is held on the last Wednesday of August each year where an estimated 30,000 people descend into this small town to participate in this tomato throwing frenzy.   

Enjoy the Festivals of Dumfries and Galloway From Lockerbie Hotels

Stay at Lockerbie Hotels to Experience Festivals of Agriculture and Nature

Lockerbie hotels are a great place from which to explore the many annual events and festivals that take place throughout the area of Dumfries and Galloway. The naturally diverse landscape of this area of Scotland allows for a vast array of wildlife, celebrated during the Dumfries and Galloway Wildlife Festival. A range of activities and events take place across a two week period around late March and early April, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with the areas fauna and flora. Lockerbie hotels are also a great base from which to pay a visit to the Stranraer Show, an agricultural delight showcasing the best of the areas local produce and crafts. A highly popular event, it holds a traditional sense of competition with livestock shows, whilst maintaining a modern air with its arts and craft stalls and live entertainment.

Festivals for the Music Lover

Celebrating its 11th year in 2012 with a line up featuring the likes of Newton Faulkner and the Scissor Sisters, The Wickerman Festival is Scotland's premier event of the UK's summer music festival season. The main stage is complimented by an eclectic range of tents, from acoustic to dance, as well as comedy and children's activities. Proud of its heritage, the goNORTH tent showcases the most promising talent to emerge out of Scotland. Lockerbie hotels provide an excellent stop over before venturing to the festival site. Towards the end of the summer, around the month of September, Lockerbie itself hosts the acclaimed Lockerbie Jazz Festival. Hosted at various venues across the town over the course of three days, the festival delights in both international and home-grown talent, with performances from world class artists to local youth groups. A popular event, be sure to book Lockerbie hotels well in advance.

Book Lockerbie Hotels for the Wonderful Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival

A much acclaimed event, Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival is a nine day cultural extravaganza easily explored from Lockerbie hotels. Held every year at the end of May, the festival has been running since 1979, initially promoted as a way to bring international talent to the remote and rural villages of this stunning area of Scotland. Now not only showcasing international artists, but a wealth of talent from the area itself, the festival brings together music, dance, theatre, literature, film and visual arts, along with an ever growing programme of children's events. Following in the footsteps of this spectacular event, the Spring Fling, usually taking place at the start of June, sees artists from the Dumfries and Galloway area open their studio doors to the general public, allowing access in to the inner workings of their creative minds and sharing their inspiration. For lovers of all things visual, the Spring Fling makes for an illuminating weekend break at Lockerbie hotels.

The Athens and Epidaurus Festival - More Than Just a Festival

Known by a number of different names, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival is a yearly event that brings together people and culture from all over Greece. Entering its 52nd year, the "Hellenic Festival", or just the Athens Festival, was established in 1955 in order to bring together music, theatre, and cultural events.

Events at the festival are staged in Athens at ancient venues which create an awe inspiring, historical backdrop: The Odeon of Herodes Atticus, two venues at the Epidaurus and the Lycabettus Theatre.

Recently, new venues have been created in the area, and the organisers are hoping to broaden audience numbers so that more people can experience the events. The festival also plays a key role in promoting the work of young artists. In addition to music and theatre, there are also showcases on dance and collaborations between different artists.

The event runs through the summer, meaning tourists will have plenty of time to see what they're interested in at the events. The organisers of this event are hoping to rival other European festivals which draw big tourist numbers from abroad.

The "Greek Festival" also provides workshops for those artists and performers attending - organisers hope to broaden the knowledge and skills of everyone in attendance. In addition to workshops there are art installations, performances in many different languages and conferences held each year.

At one time the festival was not popular with Greeks, but now the festival has experienced a makeover - making it popular internationally and at home as well. Now, hundreds of events are hosted, and young and old alike flock to the sites for music events, artwork and more.

The Athens and Epidaurus Festival is more than just a festival - for many it is a gathering of minds over the summer that showcase culture from around the world. As well, the beautiful and historic location in Athens means there is inspiration in the air for all who attend.

Aside from the exciting festival, visitors will find that Athens is a city of culture and entertainment for everyone. With 148 stages and theatres around the urban area, there are more opportunities to see a theatrical production in Athens than anywhere else in the world.

As well as theatres, Athens is home to a number of charming outdoor, open air cinemas that play a historical importance in the city's history. World famous talents have been showcased in these theatres throughout time.

No matter where you are in the world, it is good to know that frequent flights to Athens will take you right to the action surrounding the Athens and Epidaurus Festival. But often the most difficult part is deciding what aspect of the festival you wish to explore first.

Local Events and Things to Do Around Rye, East Sussex in September

The month of September is a busy month around the beautiful picturesque village of Rye and the English coastline of the East Sussex coast. The weather is still good and the countryside is still basking in the sunlight, cool breezes influenced by the sea, while the "end of season crops" are waiting patiently for their harvest.

If you are looking for a food orientated event at the beginning of September, then where better to visit than the annual "The Brighton & Hove Food and Drink Festival", it is now in its 8th year and is the biggest type of event of its kind in the south of England. The festival is an opportunity for growers and producers from across the local area, to showcase their food and drink to foodie fans and the general public. It's a family event so there will be plenty to see and do for the children too.

For those of you who are seeking a little more excitement or hands on approach to your day trips, why not head along to Bodiam Castle, near Rye during early September. Bodiam Castle is one of the most famous and evocative castles in England, the castle was built in 1385. Bodiam are having one of their 'Have-go-Archery' day activities, where both adults and children can test their skills. It's all part of the "Hands on History" approach to getting people involved so that they can learn about history and have fun along the way. Participants visiting the castle can "have-a-go" at activities with the likes of; longbows, mini crossbows and even a paintball cannon, which I'm sure will be great fun!

Whilst on the medieval theme, Bodiam Castle will stage "The Trebuchet in Action'" days, where visitors will witness a full-size, fully working replica "Trebuchet" in action (a medieval catapult, used in castle sieges), which is a sight to be seen. The display will be continue daily until the 4th of September, and will be an exciting display for visitors.

On the 10th of September the annual "Rye Arts Festival" takes place which runs through the majority of the month and is celebrating 40 years in arts events in the town. The Rye Arts Festival is a mixture of event's including; music from classical and contemporary genres, as well as literary, children's events and many other special local events such as guided tours and walks and talks on diverse subjects such as the local natural history of Rye, cricket, the environment and art to name but a few.

A taste of the main events taking place during the festival, are an opera, jazz and blues music as well as string quartets and piano recitals. There is also poetry reading, art exhibitions and cultural talks. This is all presented by many famous authors, musicians and artists who will be in Rye for visitors to meet.

Celebrate Music and the Arts in Bath During the Month of May

If you are looking for a place to visit this May enhanced with some culture and the sounds of music, well look no further as Bath has both readily on tap. Towards the end of May sees the opening of the "Bath International Music Festival 2011" and also the "Bath Fringe Festival", so you will be spoilt for choice.

Bath International Music Festival is a celebration of the world's best jazz, folk classical and world music. The Festival takes place mainly in and around city venues'; it also includes "free to the public outdoor events" for everyone to enjoy, as well as ticket events for smaller venues featuring specialist artists from around the world. On the opening evening of the festival and in true party spirit sees the festivities celebrated with a CĂ©ilidh at the Guildhall in the High Street. Tickets are £5, so there is no excuse not to join in the merriment, there is sure to be something for everyone to enjoy during the festival period of this musical extravaganza.

The end of the month also sees the return of the 17 day "Bath Fringe Festival" which runs through until the middle of June. It features around 170 events from a range of performers offering a wide variety and cultural mix, all in the spirit of the Art's.

This will encompass all aspects of modern contemporary art from stand up comedy and drama to live music performances and street theatre, with performers from around the world taking part in this years' festivities. The Bath Fringe Festival takes place at various locations around the beautiful city of Bath, also watch out for impromptu performances as you wander around the city.

Obviously, this will be a busy period during this time of year, so make sure you organise your accommodation sooner rather than later so that you get the best value and best location suitable for your needs. There are plenty of local bed and breakfasts in Bath catering for all tastes; some are very luxurious. Hotel-wise there are the very exclusive hotels at the upper end of the price range and then there are the smaller family run hotels which give more of a home-run feel.

So if your are wanting to spend a weekend or a week with plenty of entertainment options, a vast array of historical locations to visit and the vibrant feel of this beautiful cultural city steeped in hundreds of years of history,then Bath could be just the right place to book your next break away.

Country Jam Fun Festival - Goats, Music, and More

Discover a country jam fun festival, called "Goats, Music and More", with lots of activities and entertainment! What is the "Goats, Music and More Festival?" The Southeast Tourism Society has selected this festival as one of the top twenty events in the entire southeast region of the USA. This festival has grown from a few thousand its first year to over 17,000 attending from all 50 states, four countries, and 68 counties in Tennessee. This event takes place every year, usually in October, at Rock Creek Park in the town of Lewisburg, Tennessee.

What activities can you find at this festival? You can find a variety of goats, be able to register goats, find goats for sale, meet soap makers, view homemade skin care products, find arts and crafts for kids, listen to bands playing bluegrass, Motown music and gospel music, browse show tents, enjoy good foods, and much more! The "Goats, Music and More Festival" is a, fast growing, worldwide popular, country jam fun festival for all ages!

You will find a variety of goat breeds honored here including: Fainting goats, Nigerian Dwarf goats, Boer goats, Alpine, Saanen, and Billy goats. Find a Myotonic Goat Registry, and much more! Breeders or dairy goat farmers have a chance to show their goats in contests and pageants, win awards, and be honored and recognized for their showmanship excellence. It is a great honor to be recognized at this festival, since raising dairy goats is not, always, easy. Be sure to see the world champion Fainting goat show! Between goat shows, you may want to browse the show tents. You may find goats for sale!

Find a variety of activities for kids and adults. There is a relaxing train ride, a large slide, faux rock climbing, BBQ cook offs, 5K run and much more! At night, enjoy an exciting fireworks display!

Shop the different booths for natural: goats milk soap, homemade lotion, homemade shampoo, homemade shampoo, homemade foot scrubs, homemade face cream, homemade lip balm and more! You will, more than likely, find a goat milk soap maker too! If interested in making soap, a knowledgeable soap maker would be able to help you find the best soap making recipes. If you have not discovered the benefits of goat milk soap compared to commercial soap, you should find out the difference! Most people can tell a difference in using goat milk soap compared to commercial soap the very first time they use it! There are a variety of, homemade skin care products shown at this festival. Browse the booths, shop and have fun!

Enjoy Motown music, Bluegrass, Gospel singing and more! It is fun, foot stomping music played for relaxing or dancing! Enjoy a variety of bands with, well-known, live country music artists too! Make sure to stop by the multiple food vendors. Here you will find, hot dogs, BBQ, hamburgers, funnel cakes, and much more! There are tasty foods and drinks for everyone to enjoy.

The Goats, Music and More Festival offers good ole' country fun for everyone to enjoy! Come alone or bring family and friends. Attendance to this festival is free! So, mark your 2010 calendars, in advance! This fun-filled, entertaining, country jam festival is growing, in worldwide popularity, by leaps and bounds!

Patiala Heritage Festival

Patiala was the center of all trade and commerce but as time passes by, the city has been into lots of manufacturing industries. They have many industries that produces lots of goods that can be said Main Products of Patiala. The people of Patiala have been considered the torchbearers of the culture and language of Punjabi.

Because Patiala has been the torchbearer of Punjabi, it has been the most important city in India. It became famous for their "Pagg", "Peg", "Paranda" and "Juti." It also holds great festivals that usually last for several days, celebrated by both the people o Patiala and its visitors. People come to this city to witness and partake of the unique festivities.

The well known and watchful festival in Patiala is the Patiala Heritage festival. This is the newest festival that started in the year 2003 under the Patiala Heritage Society. It is an annual feature that ornaments the face of Patiala's city. It is regularly held in the month of February, and the whole festivity lasts for ten consecutive days.

The Patiala Heritage festival is done as an offering sublime for all the music and art lovers of the entire state and region. This includes the Punjab state. This is not just any ordinary festival. This is very well planned that it showcases different aspects of music, arts and even sporting culture. This also includes the culture of the Royal state of erstwhile Patiala. This showcases the life of the erstwhile royal state.

The festival is a display of extravagant art and culture. It is best experienced for yourself rather than just listening to the stories of those who've been there. Savoring the event is incomparable to the many reviews and feedbacks you will ever get to read.

The Sheesh Mahal Art Gallery has the Crafts Mela (the Crafts Fair) held in its premises. They have more than a hundred and fifty crafters who tirelessly work on the display wares in this place for fifteen days. These wares include great furniture, textiles, pottery, jewelries, domestic linen, and different handicrafts in different kinds and shapes.

These wares are rightly boasted for display during the festival. It is a good mix of entertainment, many activities, and food tripping galore during these ten momentous days.

This ten day festival has the Indian classical Music which is played both with vocals and instruments. This dance concert is in the courtyard of the Darbar Hall. This hall is considered very majestic, located at the heart of the old city. The concerts are done by the international musicians, dancers and singers. They play their own singing styles or Gharanas. They show the traditions and genres of their culture. These concerts are referred as the festival's crowning glory because it is the main focus of the festival and it draw in more people.

Aside from the Mela and the said concerts, the festival is also the time for painting exhibitions, golf tournaments, equestrian events, cricket and polo matches, fashion shows, operas, plays, light evenings of music, and rural sports.

The festival satisfies the different needs of people. The wide array of activity options delights every individual participating. It has everything from the feast, the music and even the delicacies. This ten day festival is a grand occasion that people are waiting for.

Relationship of Music and Spirituality

Music has a close connection with spirituality. Spiritual music has the capacity to enlighten our minds and inspires us to dive deep within. The most profound spirituality involves peace and silence. But to enter this realm of peace and silence it is quite practical to take the benefit of spiritual, soulful music.

Music that helps us spiritually is music that elevates and uplifts our consciousness. It is music that makes rather than breaks. Some music embodies a restless, aggressive quality. Spiritual music energies our inner being, but it does this without creating restlessness and vital excitement. Spiritual music can be a great aid to meditation. If we listen to music with our heart it awakens the inner aspiration to dwell in the higher realms of consciousness. The great composer Beethoven said of music

"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. Although the spirit be not master of that which it creates through music, yet it is blessed in this creation, which, like every creation of art, is mightier than the artist."

A popular form of spiritual music is bhajans. Bhajans are simple devotional songs, which are sung many times to invoke a quality of God , The Supreme. Many spiritual teachers have noted the power of devotional music to help seekers spiritually. To sit in silent meditation may be difficult for many seekers, but to enter into the spirit of devotional music is to get the fruits of meditation in an easy and accessible way. For some aspirants devotional music alone is a way to reach the goal. The great Indian Saint Sri Chaitanya sung endlessly devotional bhajans to Sri Krishna. His infectious singing, inspired many in India to follow the path of Bhakti yoga. His bhajans to Krishna are still sung today.

Spirituality and music can never be separated. If music awakens our inner aspiration we will be inspired to dive deep within. Sri Chinmoy says of music:

"When we play soulful music, we elevate our consciousness most rapidly. Soulful music is a form of aspiration, a form of meditation."

From the outer music we will become in touch with the inner silence. In our deepest meditation great seekers say that we can hear the divine music in the depths of our own heart.

Music also has the capacity to bring people together. It is something that unites rather than divides. Speaking at the legendary Woodstock festival of 1969 the spiritual Guru Swami Satchidananda offered a welcoming address to nearly half a million spectators.

"I am overwhelmed with joy to see the youth of America gathered here in the name of the fine art of music. In fact through music we can work wonders"

Many who attended Woodstock of 1969 felt it was a unique occasion when so many people were attracted by the ideal of harmony and friendship that transcended any cultural or racial barrier. Oneness and harmony is an indispensable part of spirituality, music helps this to become a reality.

What's Up at the Scottsdale Center For the Performing Arts This Season?

I have had some wonderful experiences and memories by participating in events and theater at the Scottsdale Center for the performing arts. From Patsy Cline tributes to Menopause the musical, each visit has left me feeling charmed.

Here is what will be coming up at the center this fall and into 2011.

Talk Cinema is coming to Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. It's your chance to see independent and foreign films before their theatrical release. This event will be hosted by a variety of industry experts and you will be able to participate with your own review of each film!

There will be nine screenings in all with price advantages if you are signing up for all showings. Tuesday evening showings begin in October, so plan to join Talk Cinema this fall.

The 41st annual Scottsdale Arts Festival is coming March 11-13. Two Hundred renowned Artists from across the country will attend this honored event, displaying their creations ranging from painting, photography, glass, jewelry, sculpture, wood, ceramics, drawing and pastels, fiber and mixed media exhibits.

The Arts Festival will sponsor an on line auction with proceeds to benefit the Center. There will be live music by local musicians as well as a Wine Country, Market and Beer Garden offering local fare.

Don't forget about 2010 Imagine Nation. This year's theme will be Family Time and Family Fun paying homage to the diversity of the American family! An interactive set up will be enjoyed by the whole family with storytelling and comedy dispersed generously among a wide range of activities reminding us that it doesn't take a boat load of money to have a good time!

The 2010/2011 Performance Calendar is packed with exciting entertainment including Dine Out with The Chefs now in its fifth year. Here's your chance to rub elbows with some of our Top Chefs, sample their creations and enjoy live entertainment.

Steve Martin is coming to town October 10th with a Bluegrass band to perform mostly musical ditties with great aplomb, sprinkled with his one of a kind humor. I have always enjoyed Steve Martin, from Saturday night live performance of "King Tut" to his many great films including my personal favorite "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels".

Next we get a visit from the amazing John Lithgow. Loved him in Third Rock and most recently Dexter as a sinister serial killer that kept even Dexter in awe of his level of proficiency with his craft! I can't forget to acknowledge Life according to Garp and Shrek as part of John Lithgow's repertoire! On October 21st John will be on stage performing his one man show "Stories by Heart" switching up our emotions from one minute to the next with his enthralling style.

Musical Guests will include the legendary Doc Severinsen who has trumpeted his way through an extraordinary career touring with such greats as Tommy Dorsey and Benny Goodman's bands. He has also worked with Phoenix Symphony and we all know him best as Johnny Carson's favorite musical sidekick!

Bernadette Peters will grace the stage in November with her flowing veil of ringlets to perform songs from her "Face of Broadway" show. A brilliant cross between Barbara Streisand and Bette Midler, Miss Peters will light up the stage with her designer gowns and sultry style!

Political farce and folly anyone? The Capitol Steps will be performing their sharp tongued satire leaving no one safe regardless of affiliations, and no stone unturned when it comes to amusing the masses at the expense of our Political leaders.

John Waters will entertain with his biting sharp witticisms over the Christmas Holiday wishing us all a tacky little Christmas with not so subtle adult content reminders of all that holiday fluff we so eagerly anticipate and why we just might as well enjoy it!

Sister's Christmas Catechism will grace the stage in December with yet another audience participation adventure headed by our favorite Nun. This ever changing presentation is for all of the faithful no matter what denomination! You need to be ready to don a crown or veil as some lucky audience members will be trudged on stage to become a living nativity scene during the performance! Great fun for all!

You can also enjoy Cuban Salsa dancing on stage, The Venice Baroque Orchestra, and Spanish Harlem Orchestra, The Romantic music of Robert Schumann, Christmas in Ireland by DANU, Flamenco Dance Classes, and so much more throughout the new year!

Well, I hope this has inspired you to visit the most fabulous Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts and treat yourself to some of the wonderful confections of theater you deserve!